Tips for speeding up your website

We recommend following these steps to speed up your site based on Wilcity:

Stop loading unnecessary plugins

When you have multiple plugins installed and activated on your site, it can slow it down. I recommend disabling all the plugins except for the ones that we include with our theme. 

Reduce image sizes

Images can play a major role in your site speed. They’re often very large files, which can slow down page load times.

One of the easiest ways to reduce image file sizes is cropping your images to the correct size. In Wilcity, We recommend using an image of 1200x700px.

Next, you can compress your image files with a few different tools, WordPress Smush is a great option.

Using Lazy Loading is also a great option to speed up your site.

For example, let’s say you write a listing that includes 20 photos. Normally, a user’s browser would need to download all of those images before displaying anything on the page.

With lazy load, it can load the content within view first, then load all of those photos after. In Wilcity, You can enable Lazy Load feature by clicking on Appearance -> Theme Options -> General Settings -> Toggle Lazy Load Image -> Set to Enable status

Minify HTML Script

Minifying a file helps to get rid of unnecessary formatting, whitespace, and code.

Since every unnecessary piece of code adds to the size of your page, it’s important that you eliminate extra spaces, line breaks, and indentation. This ensures that your pages are as lean as possible.

There are several plugins to minify and combine files, We recommend using Wiloke Optimization

Warning: We recommend using Minify HTML and Minify CSS, You SHOULD NOT use Minify Scripts.

Use a CDN

Beyond the server that hosts your site, you can also use other networks of servers to decrease load times for your visitors.

When your site is hosted on one server, each user who visits it sends requests to that same server.

This means that when your site experiences high levels of traffic, the time it takes to process each request increases, slowing down load times for all of them.

When you consider that high-traffic times typically present a ton of growth potential for your business, this is far from ideal.

Plus, for users who are physically farther away from your server, load times are higher because the information has a farther distance to travel — even when you aren’t experiencing lots of traffic.

A CDN, or Content Delivery Network, can help you eliminate these issues.

With a CDN, you cache your site on a global network of servers. When a user’s browser requests files from your site, that request is routed to the closest server.

For example, let’s say your origin server is in California, but uses a CDN to host files globally. Your network might look something like this:

If a user from South Africa visits your site, thir browser could download files from a nearby server.

If you want to start using a CDN, your best options are MaxCDN and Cloudflare.

MaxCDN is a full CDN, meaning that it only  offers CDN services. They have more data centers and focus solely on improving load times.

Cloudflare, on the other hand, combines CDN service with security and optimization features.

Choose the right hosting option for your needs

When looking at hosting, you have three different options:

  • Shared hosting
  • VPS hosting
  • Dedicated server

Shared hosting is the cheapest option and you can often get it for about five dollars per month.

With shared hosting, you share certain resources like CPU, disk space, and RAM with other sites hosted on the same server.

With VPS hosting, you still share a server with other sites, but you have your own dedicated portions of the server’s resources.

With a dedicated server, you have much more space — but you also have more work to do with configuration and technical setup.

As our experience, We recommend using Cloudways

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