Testing Wilcity App Notifications

To test Wilcity App Notifications, please follow these steps:

    1. You need to complete the following settings first: https://documentation.wilcity.com/knowledgebase/getting-started/ https://documentation.wilcity.com/knowledgebase/notification-settings/ https://documentation.wilcity.com/knowledgebase/design-my-app/
    2. Download EXPO app from Google Store if you are using Android Phone or Apple Store if you are using iPhone
    3. Follow this tutorial https://documentation.wilcity.com/knowledgebase/build-android-app/ but instead of typing expo build:android, you should typing expo start After running this command line, anExpo window will be opened look like this 
    4. Open Expo app on your phone and access to your project and log in to your Administrator account like this https://tinyurl.com/y8oyjclc 
    5. Next, create a new account on your site and set this account to Contributor permission. You can create this account via Front-end or click on Users -> Add New from Admin area. For example, We will create an account called wilcitytest
    6. Now, you should submit a Listing to your site with this account, and your Phone should get a notification after that. It’s Author submitted a new listing Notifications (Wiloke Tools -> Notification Settings -> Push Notification to Admin)
    7. Author submitted new product Notifications: https://documentation.wilcity.com/knowledgebase/setting-up-dokan-multivendor-marketplace/To test this notification, you need to setup Dokan first. Then set wilcitytest to Vendor permission: Users -> wilcitytest -> Role. Now wilcitytest can create add a product to your site (Log into wilcitytest account -> Profile -> Your Product page). After wilcitytest added a product, you should get a notification on your phone

    8. Review Notifications: Click on Listings -> Create a new Listing. Next log into wilcitytest account -> Visit this listing -> Leave a review on it -> Your phone should get a notification

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