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The reason you are getting this issue because You are using an external plugin (Like Advanced Custom Fields), and the plugin is conflicting with Wilcity.

To resolve this issue, please put following code to functions.php of Child Theme

function wilcityChildThemeResolveUploadRestrictOnAddListing($settings, $post) {
    if (!isset($settings['post']) || !isset($settings['post']['id'])) {
        return $settings;

  if (\WilokeListingTools\Framework\Helpers\GetWilokeSubmission::getField('addlisting') == $settings['post']['id'] || \WilokeListingTools\Framework\Helpers\GetWilokeSubmission::getField('dashboard_page') == $settings['post']['id'] || (function_exists('dokan_get_option') && dokan_get_option( 'dashboard', 'dokan_pages' ) == $settings['post']['id'])) {
        $settings['post']['id'] = 0;
    return $settings;

add_action('media_view_settings', 'wilcityChildThemeResolveUploadRestrictOnAddListing', 9999, 2);

If you don’t know how to use Child Theme, please read

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