Sending QRCode to customer

We recommend using this feature if you want to sell Event Ticket.

I. Front-end Dashboard

  1. Log into your site
  2. Click on Profiles -> Product Dashboard -> Products
  3. Edit your product -> Enable Sending QRCode after customer purchasing this product 

II. Back-end Dashboard

  1. Log into your site
  2. Click on Products -> Your Product
  3. Sending QRCode to customer -> Yes

III. How does this feature work?

After customer purchasing a Product and Order is switched to Completed status (Order -> Your Order), Wilcity will send an email to your customer and the QR code is included in this email

You can replace

Check for this Event

Please show us QRCode below when visiting the Event Modify

by clicking on Appearance -> Theme Options -> Email Contents -> QRcode Email

The customer can also override it by click on  QRCode Settings



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