How to get my Device Token

We assume that you completed all configuration under Wilcity App. If you still not complete

  1. Go to => Create an account
  2. Download Expo app to your Mobile Phone (Go to Google Play if you are using Android and App Store if you are using iOS -> Search for EXPO)
  3. Open Expo app on your phone => Log into your account
  4. Cd to wilcity-app folder and run expo login -> Login into expo with account that you created at step 1 and run expo start
  5. Access your app via EXPO App on your phone and then log into your account (Notice that We are logging into Wilcity App account, not expo account. So, it’s account that you created on your website. It’s different from step 2)
  6. Log into Firebase -> Click into Database -> Device Token -> Copy it

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