Change the order of search result in Wilcity Search V2

In default, the search result will showing the result in order like this:

for example, we query the keyword “A”, the search result will return the result in order >> result from location include “A” >> result with the keyword “A” in wordpress.

To change this order, please replace the SearchFormController.php in plugins/wiloke-listing-tools/app/Controllers/SearchFormController.php

with this file:

and add this filter to functions.php of the child theme:

add_filter('wilcity/filter/wiloke-listing-tools/app/SearchFormController/search-target', function($aSearchTarget) {
    $aNewSearchTarget = [];
    if (in_array('listing', $aSearchTarget)) {
        $aNewSearchTarget[] = 'listing';
    foreach ($aSearchTarget as $target) {
        if ($target === 'listing') {
        }        $aNewSearchTarget[] = $target;
    }    return $aNewSearchTarget;

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